Statments: Mohammed

« Ich würde mir wünschen dass die Flüchtlinge mehr Freiraum bekommen. Das Verstanden wird warum sie hier sind, wie viel Leid sie mit sich tragen und das sie hier endlich in Frieden leben können. »

Je souhaite que les réfugiés reçoive plus d’espace libre. Qu’on comprends pourquoi ils sont la, combien de souffrance ils portent avec eux et qu’ils puissent enfin vivre en paix ici.

I wish that refugees get more free space. That there is an understanding of why they are here, how much suffering they are carrying and that they can finally live in peace here.

Destruction of Colonial memorial in Arlon

leopold hitlerENGLISH FRANCAIS العربية

لقد احضرنا هذا الخطاب الي عمدة أرلون في بلجيكا بعدما مررنا في مسيرة عبر بلدته وكنا في اشد الاستياء بعد رؤية النصب التذكاري للملك ليوبولد هتلر افريقيا تمجد مذبحة الكنقو في افريقيا  وقد ختمنا رسالتنا ب.. اذا لم تزيلوا   هذه النصب التذكارية فسوف نهدمها بانفسنا ولكن اجاب العمدة باننا اذا هدمنا كل نصب ورموز الملك ليوبولد في بلجيكا هذا سيكون امرا مستحيلا 

We brought this letter to the mayor of Arlon (Belgium), after we marched through his city where we were enraged to see a memorial honouring the massacre of Congo by King Leopold, the Hitler of Africa. We concluded the letter by announcing that if he does not destroy the memorial, we will do it ourselves. The mayor replied: “But then we should destroy all symbols of Leopold in Belgium? But this is impossible!”

Nous avons apporté cette اau maire d’Arlon (Belgique) après avoir traversé sa ville où nous étions indigné-e-s de découvrir un mémorial honorant le massacre du Congo par le roi Léopolde, le Hitler de l’Afrique. Nous avons conclu notre lettre en annoncant que s’il ne détruisait pas le mémorial, nous le ferions nous-mêmes. Le maire a répondu: “Mais alors il faudrait détruire tous les symboles de Léopolde en Belgique? Mais c’est impossible!”

Habay-la-Vieille, le 8 juillet 2014

Monsieur le Maire,

Nous nous adressons à vous en tant que Marche Pour La Liberté rassemblant des migrant-e-s, réfugié-e-s, Sans-Papiers et citoyen-ne-s solidaires. Ensemble, nous marchons de Strasbourg à Bruxelles pour protester contre la politique migratoire européenne. En traversant votre ville, nous étions profondément choqué-e-s d’y trouver un mémorial en l’honneur du roi Léopolde qui a colonisé et massacré le Congo. Une inscription déclare qu’il l’a fait au nom de la civilisation! Or, il a fait plus de victimes au Congo que la Première Guerre Mondiale. Qu’entendez-vous par civilisation?!

Ce qui est particulièrement indignant, c’est que le mémorial se trouve près d’habitats de personnes d’origine africaine. Vous leur imposez une terreur quotidienne! C’est comme édifier une statue en l’honneur de Hitler devant une synagogue!

Nous venons de toutes les régions du monde. Nous avons été colonisé-e-s et en subissons encore les conséquences. Au Soudan, par exemple, le régime colonialiste a tracé une frontière divisant le Nord et le Sud, ce qui cause des conflits violents jusqu’à aujourd’hui et nous contraint à prendre la fuite. Ceux et celles d’entre nous qui arrivent en Europe en tant que réfugié-e-s y sont marginalisé-e-s, privé-e-s de tous leurs droits et traité-e-s encore aujourd’hui comme des esclaves: nous n’avons pas le droit de travailler et d’étudier, nous sommes retenu-e-s en centre de rétention comme des criminels et subissons le racisme au quotidien.

Nous marchons pour protester contre cette continuité coloniale pratiquée par l’Union Européenne. Votre mémorial en est la preuve. Nous refusons que les enfants de votre ville grandissent avec ce mensonge colonial.

Nous exigeons la destruction immédiate de ce mémorial raciste et colonial. Sinon, nous le ferons nous-mêmes !

Dans l’attente de votre réponse que nous espérons rapide,


Les marcheurs et marcheuses

Article on German Indymedia about our arrival in Belgium:



Movement “March for Freedom ” declares solidarity and support to the Swedish movement.

There are situations, in which we show up our attitude towards  them, such values as independency and freedom for which geographical borders do not exist and that is human rights. Despite the efforts of democracy, whose main value of humanity are human rights, fixed by a range of laws, conventions and agreements as an unquestionable truth, they however are not guaranteed for Everyone. Each of us tries to make the world better, because we can find nothing ready for us. Every year, hundreds of people, who fled their countries because of wars or other hazard, die in outlying districts of different countries (in the last 20 years, over 25 000 people had died), multiple asylum seekers who are safe (among them pregnant women, nurselings and infants, disabled and sick persons) and who passes immigration procedures, are in administrative prison facilities which, for correctness, the world called closed camps. In every country, which undertook obligation to protect the safety of human life, rights of asylum seekers are grossly violated today.

This year also our refugee friends in sweden ” want to give the authority and our politicians the chance to meet those who are affected by the political decisions made for refugees.”

They ”strive for a humane refugee policy where every individual will be treated with respect and dignity, no matter where you are born.”

March For Freedom start to move 18th of May from Strasburg and will come 20th of june to Brussels. We share the same anger with our fellow refugees who march in sweden

Deportation of Oranienplatz activist stopped by Fax and Email Campaign!

Abschiebung von Oranienplatz-Aktivist gestoppt!

A.M., Refugee Aktivist vom Oranienplatz, aus der Haft entlassen.

Noch keine offizielle Aufhebung des Abschiebebescheid.

Aufgrund einer FAX und Mail Kampagne hat Air-Berlin außerdem die Flugbuchung für die Abschiebung storniert. Sie würden ihn nicht ohne Polizeibegleitung abschieben wollen. Diese war aber für morgen früh nicht vorgesehen.

Weiterhin steht die Entscheidung über eine Klage vorm Verwaltungsgericht Magdeburg durch die Anwältin von A.M. aus.

Die Abschiebung für morgen wurde verhindert! Obwohl weder das BAMF (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge) noch das Verwaltungsgericht eine Absage der geplanten Abschiebung bestätigt haben.

Am Donnerstag, den 12.6.2014 sollte A. M. aus Niger, Aktivist vom Oranienplatz Berlin, vom Flughafen Berlin-Tegel um 8:55 Uhr nach Italien abgeschoben werden. Beim Termin zu seiner Duldungsverlängerung wurde er in Sachsen-Anhalt festgenommen.

Sein Name war auf der Liste der Menschen vom Oranienplatz, die eine umfassende Einzelfallprüfung und ein Abschiebestopp vom Berliner Senat zugesagt bekommen haben.

Trotz mehrfachem Hinweis auf seinen Fall, hat der Senat die Gefahr der Abschiebung bewusst in Kauf genommen und mit seiner Einzelfallprüfung in Berlin gar nicht begonnen.

Atteste über seine Erkrankung wurden von den Behörden in Sachsen-Anhalt bis zum Haftprüfungstermin am heutigen Mittwoch, einen Tag vor seiner Abschiebung, ignoriert.

Das Verwaltungsgericht Magdeburg lehnte einen Eilantrag seiner Anwältin ab.

Mit der Stornierung der Abschiebung durch Air Berlin nach einer erfolgreichen öffentlichen FAX- und Mail Kampagne ist es bereits die zweite Abschiebung die innerhalb kurzer Zeit verhindert werden konnte. Am 28.5.2014 wurde die Abschiebung von Abdoul Drammé Kaboré durch den Druck auf Air-Berlin verhindert.


Menschen vom Refugee Strike Berlin




Ya basta! Khalas! Es reicht!

March For Freedom in Solidarity with all protesting refugees!

In solidairty with freedom fighters in Berlin Kreuzberg who protest for equal rights. The demand is to apply the §23 for all refugees who are protesting. Refugees who came to kreuzberg and  protesting there, want to live now equally as neighbours. §23 give our friends  this chance  to live a good life with dignity  ,to rent their own flats and to have their autonomous income

As it was said before by politicians,  §23 is a solution for refugee freedom fighters as groups like Lampedusa in Hamburg. No one is illegal. Freedom of Residency for All by §23!

for more info please see the links below >


#SchengenIIAGREEMENT The next after the one between states led to the creation of Europe’s borders protected by frontex!

The First Schengen Agreement between states led to the creation of Europe’s borders protected by frontex killing until today 17,000 people, while preferring goods over humans. Learning from that experience, we the people of all the world upgraded that agreement to be between us the people as the followings:

#SchengenIIAGREEMENT + Schen

The First Schengen Agreement between states led to the creation of Europe’s borders protected by frontex killing until today 17,000 people, while preferring goods over humans. Learning from that experience, we the people of all the world upgraded that agreement to be between us the people as the followings:


#SchengenIIAGREEMENT + Schengen I AGREEMENT–files/blog%3A_start/New%20Schengen%20AGRE–files/blog%3A19/listofdeaths.pdf

AGREEMENT between the people of the world hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”, AWARE that the ever closer union of the peoples of the global Communities should find its expression in the free movement , ANXIOUS to strengthen the solidarity between the peoples by removing the obstacles to free movement CONSIDERING the progress already achieved within Communities with a view to ensuring the free movement of persons, PROMPTED by the resolve to achieve the abolition of checks at borders and to facilitate the movement of all people.


Article 1: As soon as this Agreement enters into force all checks are abolished completely.
Article 2: With regard to the movement of persons, from 1st June 2014 the police and customs authorities shall carry out no surveillance, they may not interrupt the flow.
Article 3: Is Unused.
Article 4: The Parties shall seek solutions enabling them to waive state borders.
Article 5: NO checks shall be put in place.
Article 6: Without prejudice the Parties, shall take the measures required to facilitate the movement of all people.
Article 7: The Parties shall endeavour to abolish their visa policies as soon as possible.
Article 8: With a view to easing differences between people the Parties undertake to coordinate their actions.
Article 9: The Parties shall reinforce cooperation.
Article 10: With a view to ensuring the cooperation provided for in Articles 6 to 9, meetings between the Parties’ shall be held at regular intervals.
Article 11: The Parties shall waive borders. Measures shall be taken to avoid checks.
Article 12: From 1 June 2014 checks on documents shall be Abolished!
The Parties shall determine the features of this symbol by common agreement.
Article 13The Parties shall endeavour to harmonise.
Article 14: The Parties shall seek solutions to reduce borders.
Article 15: The Parties shall recommend to their respective rail companies:
­ to adapt technical procedures in order to stop racial profiling
­ to do their utmost to stop borders.
Article 16: Is Unused.
Article 17: With regard to the movement of persons, the Parties shall endeavour to abolish borders and shall endeavour first to harmonise where necessary.
Article 18: The Parties shall open discussions:
(a) drawing up arrangements against police violence
(b) examining any difficulties that may arise in applying agreements.
(c) seeking means of introducing rights and means of communication and justice
Article 19: The Parties shall seek to put down arms and explosives.
Article 20: Is Unused.
Article 21: The Parties shall take common initiatives within global Communities.
Article 22: Is Unused.
Article 23: Is Unused.
Article 24: With regard to movement of the Parties shall seek means where necessary, to not adversely affect the necessary protection of the health of humans, animals and plants.
Article 25:The Parties shall develop their cooperation.
Article 26: The Parties shall examine the framework of the global Communities. To that end they shall support the initiatives undertaken by the global Communities.
Article 27: The Parties shall examine Community law.
Article 28: Before the conclusion of any bilateral or multilateral arrangements similar to this Agreement that are not parties thereto, the Parties shall consult among themselves.
Article 29: This Agreement shall also apply to Berlin.
Article 30: The measures provided for in this Agreement which are not applicable as soon as it enters into force shall be applied Immediately!
Article 31: Is Unused.
Article 32: This Agreement shall apply provisionally from the day following that of its signature.
Article 33: Is Unused.

gen I AGREEMENT:–files/blog%3A_start/New%20Schengen%20AGREEMENT.pdf

AGREEMENT between the people of the world hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”, AWARE that the ever closer union of the peoples of the global Communities should find its expression in the free movement , ANXIOUS to strengthen the solidarity between the peoples by removing the obstacles to free movement CONSIDERING the progress already achieved within Communities with a view to ensuring the free movement of persons, PROMPTED by the resolve to achieve the abolition of checks at borders and to facilitate the movement of all people.

Article 1: As soon as this Agreement enters into force all checks are abolished completely.
Article 2: With regard to the movement of persons, from 1st June 2014 the police and customs authorities shall carry out no surveillance, they may not interrupt the flow.
Article 3: Is Unused.
Article 4: The Parties shall seek solutions enabling them to waive state borders.
Article 5: NO checks shall be put in place.
Article 6: Without prejudice the Parties, shall take the measures required to facilitate the movement of all people.
Article 7: The Parties shall endeavour to abolish their visa policies as soon as possible.
Article 8: With a view to easing differences between people the Parties undertake to coordinate their actions.
Article 9: The Parties shall reinforce cooperation.
Article 10: With a view to ensuring the cooperation provided for in Articles 6 to 9, meetings between the Parties’ shall be held at regular intervals.
Article 11: The Parties shall waive borders. Measures shall be taken to avoid checks.
Article 12: From 1 June 2014 checks on documents shall be Abolished!
The Parties shall determine the features of this symbol by common agreement.
Article 13The Parties shall endeavour to harmonise.
Article 14: The Parties shall seek solutions to reduce borders.
Article 15: The Parties shall recommend to their respective rail companies:
­ to adapt technical procedures in order to stop racial profiling
­ to do their utmost to stop borders.
Article 16: Is Unused.
Article 17: With regard to the movement of persons, the Parties shall endeavour to abolish borders and shall endeavour first to harmonise where necessary.
Article 18: The Parties shall open discussions:
(a) drawing up arrangements against police violence
(b) examining any difficulties that may arise in applying agreements.
(c) seeking means of introducing rights and means of communication and justice
Article 19: The Parties shall seek to put down arms and explosives.
Article 20: Is Unused.
Article 21: The Parties shall take common initiatives within global Communities.
Article 22: Is Unused.
Article 23: Is Unused.
Article 24: With regard to movement of the Parties shall seek means where necessary, to not adversely affect the necessary protection of the health of humans, animals and plants.
Article 25:The Parties shall develop their cooperation.
Article 26: The Parties shall examine the framework of the global Communities. To that end they shall support the initiatives undertaken by the global Communities.
Article 27: The Parties shall examine Community law.
Article 28: Before the conclusion of any bilateral or multilateral arrangements similar to this Agreement that are not parties thereto, the Parties shall consult among themselves.
Article 29: This Agreement shall also apply to Berlin.
Article 30: The measures provided for in this Agreement which are not applicable as soon as it enters into force shall be applied Immediately!
Article 31: Is Unused.
Article 32: This Agreement shall apply provisionally from the day following that of its signature.
Article 33: Is Unused.

Solidarity with the people in the school in Ohlauer Str. Berlin Kreuzberg


Merci à tou-te-s les réfugié-e-s qui se trouvent à Berlin. On reste solidaire avec vous! Nous remercions tout le groupe de l’école occupée. Restez fort-e-s! On est uni-e-s.

La Marche pour la Liberté.


Thank you to all the refugees in Berlin. We are in solidarity with you! We say thank you to all the group of the occupied School. Stay strong! We are one!

The March for Freedom

Gracias a tod@s l@s refugiad@s de Berlin! Somos solidari@s con vosotr@s! Agradecem@s todo el grupo de la Escuela ocupada. Continuad con fuerza! Somos unid@s!

La Marcha Para la Libertad

Grazie a tutti i rifugiati di Berlino. Siamo solidali con voi! Diciamo grazie a tutto il gruppo della scuola occupata. Rimanere forte! Siamo uno!
La Marcia per la Libertà

شكرا لجميع اللاجئين في برلين. نحن متضامنون معك! نقول شكرا لجميع المجموعات في مدرسة تبقى قوية! ونحن واحدة!

مسيرة من أجل الحرية

Danke an alle Geflüchteten aus Berlin! Wir sind solidarisch mit Euch! Wir danken der ganzen Gruppe aus der besetzten Schule. Bleibt stark! Wir sind eins!

Der Marsch für die Freiheit