Yesterday we reached Luxembourg with a large and powerfull demonstration. We made an open mic session in front of the central station. Then we had the press conference at Casino Sindicato.
Afterwards some activists continued with two cultural events. a music performance by Mehdi and Ashkin. And a theater piece called ”Hurria!” by Riadh Ben Ammar.
Then we continued our long marching day with a demonstration through the city to reach our camp.
Today (4 June) is our action day in Luxembourg Ville. We are going to do these actions:
- Visiting refugee camp to inform the people there about the march and share our solidarity with refugees living in this harsh situation
- Going to the depeortation prison at the airport near our camp
- Shopping in the “Euro Doc shopping mall” and informing the consumers about the Dublin system, Euro Doc is the european agency which collects all the finger prints to track and deport refugees, in order to support anti-human rights laws of European Union
We will post more details about time and places in our twitter page (, please come and help us spread the word against brutal and inhuman European laws.