If you know any solidarity groups and people in the villages or cities on the way, please connect us with them! We need local support! Please send an e-mail to: freedomnotfrontex[at]riseup[.]net
If you know any solidarity groups and people in the villages or cities on the way, please connect us with them! We need local support! Please send an e-mail to: freedomnotfrontex[at]riseup[.]net
Great ideas for imagery for the march!
I made some symbols with the Refugee Protest in Vienna and am wondering if they would be helpful for the march? You can see them here: http://katherineball.com/Refugee-Protest
I would also be interested in coming up with a new one for the march, if that interests you. Maybe you have ideas of what kind of symbol it could be? Also, I think the one we used for the international forum is quite nice (the bird flying with the megaphone).
My email address is kb@katherineball.com.